
1 min readJan 23, 2024


It’s been raining heavily since the early morning while a bunch of thoughts are also weighing more heavily in my mind.

“How do I go about my life?”, “What do I truly Want?”, “Where should I go?”

Krzystof Kieslowski once said in an interview that he doesn’t know who he is nor what he wants. “If anything, I’d like some peace of quiet, but I’ve never achieved it.”

He was one of the most well recognized and respected film directors from Europe. He made some of the most beautiful films I’ve seen. Anyone would think he was happily doing his passion as a job, therefore he served a purposeful life. So, I was kind of surprised to find that interview. Even someone who created such a beautiful art was just trying to figure himself out and making sense of life. He also had a restless mind like I am. And as different as we are, we both want the same thing: a sense of peace.

I guess that’s what we all want as human.




Hi! I'm Dika. I write to heal. Mostly about movie & tv series reviews, mental health or any topics that make me reflect on life. Happy reading!